Why is my period early? Common causes of an early period

A normal menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days. Many factors contribute to the appearance of an early period. This may indicate a slight hormonal imbalance, but there may be other reasons for early period - for example, thyroid disease, stress or a change in diet.

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Period a week early. Is it normal?

Many women wonder and ask themselves - period a week early - is it normal? Why is my period early? Early menstruation, especially at a young age is a perfectly normal phenomenon. During the first months or even years, the period can be quite irregular. The cause early menstruation it may simply be a hormonal imbalance. However, if it happens repeatedly then you should seek the cause from your doctor.

Causes of an early period

So, you’ve been to the loo and noticed that tell-tale spot of blood on your underwear – don’t panic. There are many causes of an early period – and they’re all pretty normal, so don’t worry. Menstrual disorders, especially in young women, are not a cause for concern. However, to be sure, it is better to visit a gynecologist. Menopause can also be reasons for early period. Check out the top ten causes of an early period below:

1. You’ve changed your diet or exercise regime

Diet and exercise affect your hormones, and hormones control your menstrual cycle. If you’ve recently started a new diet or exercise regime, this may be the cause of period coming early. Especially quite intense and hard workouts affect our menstrual cycle. Drastic weight gain or weight loss can also seriously change your hormone levels and throw your menstrual cycle off balance.

2. You’re stressed

Feeling stressed comes with a whole lot of chemical changes in your body, and is a common cause for getting your period early. Even short-term stress, anxiety, can contribute to hormonal imbalances and can contribute to earlier periods. But be aware – stress can also make your period late. It’s just a sign of your body reacting to what’s going on in your life.

3. Your routine has changed

Any major change in your regular schedule (travelling, holidays) can result in changes to how your body regulates hormones. The same goes for sleep. If you’ve recently made drastic changes to your sleep schedule, this can also affect the hormones that control your menstrual cycle and cause your period to come earlier than expected. These fluctuations will balance themselves out as soon as your schedule settles down. However, it should be remembered that an irregular lifestyle, led for a long period of time, can have a very large impact on the body.

4. Your period isn’t regular yet

If you’ve recently started getting your period, you’re more likely to experience irregular cycles – which might mean you get your period before you were expecting it! That’s because the hormones that control your menstrual cycle are a new thing for your body, and it hasn’t quite got the hang of them yet. It takes some girls up to a year to have a regular menstrual cycle. Until then, don’t worry if your period is a week early or late. The period should be adjusted by the age of 17. If this does not happen by then, go to the doctor for a consultation.

5. It’s actually spotting

Other reasons for early period - you period is early is that it’s not actually your period. If your period comes early, and is really light, the blood you were surprised to see in your underwear may not be your period at all, but just spotting. Spotting is light pink or brown blood that shows up on the toilet paper when you wipe, or on your knickers. It’s enough to leave a small stain, but not enough to require a tampon or pad. Many women experience spotting during ovulation – the release of an egg from your ovaries – which happens right in the middle of your menstrual cycle, or about two weeks before your period is due. Others experience spotting just before their period comes.

6. Hormonal contraception

Both oral medication in the form of pills and IUDs deliver synthetic hormones into a woman's body that inhibit ovulation. These methods of conception can cause hormonal changes in a woman's body - causing earlier menstruation, temporary inhibition of menstruation, prolongation of menstruation or the complete absence of menstrual cycles.

7. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

It is a disease that causes hormonal changes in the female body, resulting in a number of symptoms. These include irregular menstrual cycles. In addition to this, it can cause scanty bleeding or heavy bleeding, severe premenstrual syndrome, and ovulation disorders.

8. Thyroid diseases

Hypothyroidism - Hashimoto's disease or other inflammations, and hyperthyroidism, for example Graves-Basedow's disease or thyroid nodules, cause a range of symptoms that can result in irregular menstrual cycles. Including, they can result in earlier menstruation.

9. Endometriosis

The growth of the tissue lining the uterus from within can cause heavy periods and bleeding between cycles. This is easily mistaken for an extra menstrual cycle or a previous period.

10. Sexually transmitted diseases

Some sexually transmitted diseases can cause irritation of the cervix and uterus. This can lead to bleeding, which can easily be mistaken for menstruation. However, in addition to the earlier bleeding, for example, there may be other symptoms - for example, a burning sensation when urinating.

What does an early period mean?

Getting your period early usually means your hormones are a slightly off-balance. Fluctuations in your hormones from month to month are common and are typically nothing to worry about, especially if you’ve only just started menstruating. Early period meaning too that it also means that you may have a condition of the reproductive system, or that you are following an unhealthy diet or have been affected by chronic stress. The most important thing is not to panic, and if something bothers us - consult a doctor.

How to avoid being surprised by early period symptoms

To avoid stained underwear from an unexpected period or spotting, a lot of girls wear pantyliners like ALWAYS Dailies Fresh & Protect a few days before they’re scheduled to get their period. This way, if your period is a little early, you’re still protected. Also watch your body – you might notice early period symptoms. If your breasts become tender, you will have mood swings, a feeling of water retention in your body. This is a sign that the early period symptoms.

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When should you see a doctor about an early period?

One or two cycles that differ from the others should not cause concern. Chronic irregular menstruation, on the other hand, may be the cause of a more serious condition. Therefore, this should be diagnosed by a doctor - a gynaecologist. Certainly before seeing a doctor, ask yourself if you have had sexual intercourse that could result in conception. If so, take a pregnancy test.

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